Easter 2, Year A: Being Breathed by Jesus
A Sermon Preached at the Cathedral Church of St. Mark 2nd Sunday of Easter, Year A The Very Reverend Tyler B. Doherty, Dean & Rector One of the most powerful images from our Gospel for this morning comes in that opening sentence where we hear that the disciples are huddled for “fear of the Jews,” behind the locked door of the house. It’s understandable, of course, why they might be fearful. The authorities have just executed Jesus on Golgotha, and they rightly think that they might face a similar fate through their association with Jesus. No wonder Peter, warming his hands over the charcoal fire denies he knows Jesus and tries to mask his Galilean accent. But I think there are other dimensions to the disciples being locked away behind closed doors. I think they are feeling great shame at their collective betrayal. I think they are feeling great sadness at the loss of their teacher and friend. They are lo...