Proper 21, Year A: Becoming the Beloved Community`
A Sermon Preached at the Cathedral Church of St. Mark Proper 21, Year A The Very Reverend Tyler B. Doherty, Dean & Rector Becoming the Beloved Community “To some God and Jesus may appeal in a way other than to us: some may come to faith in God and to love, without a conscious attachment to Jesus. Both nature and good men [sic] besides Jesus may lead us to God. They who seek God with all their hearts must, however, some day on their way meet Jesus.” --Weingel and Widgery, Jesus in the 19th Century and After In our highly individualized, consumer culture there is a tendency to think of everything in terms of how it affects “me.” Faith as the relationship between an entire people, the entire human family, with the living God gets recast (especially after Descartes) as a purely individualized affair, a private decision one person makes in the depths of her heart. Now, of course, there is an individual element to religious faith. Ea...